Legal Notices

Centrum Percall Polska legal notices

Editorial direction

4, rue Paul Montrochet
69002 LYON Cedex
Phone: +33 4 78 00 45 14

Company information

Intracommunity VAT : FR-86 431 939 990
RCS Lyon : 431939990
Siret : 43193999000062

Terms and condition of use

Access to this site is subject to your approval, without restriction, of the following legal terms and conditions.

Percall may at any time, and without notice, modify these legal terms and conditions.

By using this site, you agree to abide by them, and are therefore invited to visit it regularly in order to know its contents.

The information and data provided by this site may be modified and updated without prior notice. Percall can also improve or modify the services offered on this site, at any time and without prior notice. Percall therefore invites you to regularly check the content of this information on this site or to contact our nearest offices.

Except when it is particularly specified to the contrary or in the case of press releases, all information, press articles and images on this site are protected by copyright and their use outside the framework of this site cannot be made without written agreement from Percall.

The use of the information or images contained on this site engages your responsibility towards Percall as well as towards a third party.

Percall by giving access to this service proposes as much as possible to regularly update the information and data contained in it. However no responsibility can be reproached to Percall for any error or omission or for any prejudicial result that could arise from the use of this information and data.

The information you provide on this site may be transmitted to a third party only for commercial purposes. Percall cannot be held responsible for any loss or erroneous or unjustified transfer of this information to a third party, as well as for the unjustified access of any third party to this information.

Percall will also not be held responsible for any alteration of any confidential information or data provided within the framework of this service.

Any comment and/or suggestion transmitted to Percall on this site will become the property of Percall and can be used without restriction. Comments and/or suggestions sent to Percall will not be subject to confidentiality.

This site as well as its use are subjected to the French law and in particular to the articles 38, 39 and 40 of the French law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and liberties for personal data, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) UE/2016/679, April 27, 2016. You can access, ask to modify, rectify or delete your personal data processed by Percall as well exercise your right to the limitation of processing. You may oppose this processing or ask for the portability of your data. Requests can be made within the framework of the “contact” pages by sending us an email to or a letter with a copy of a proof of identity and by indicating your postal address to the following address:

Percall 4, rue Paul Montrochet 69002 LYON Cedex France

If you believe your Personal Data rights have not been well respected after contacting us, you may address a claim at the French Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés.

In addition, any dispute that may arise in connection with the use of this site will be subject to French jurisdiction

Global personal data protection policy


Percall Group attaches great importance to the respect of privacy and the protection of personal data, which constitutes a major asset in developing the trust of its partners and customers.

In this Global Policy for the Protection of Personal Data, Personal Data means any information relating to a natural person who may be identified, directly or indirectly.

This Global Policy for the Protection of Personal Data is established for Percall Group as well as for all its affiliated companies (companies in which Percall Group holds a stake or which Percall Group controls).
Thus, “Percall Group” will also refer to affiliated companies.

Percall Group has a policy that complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (known as the RGPD) in the European Union and with Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms (known as the Loi Informatique et Libertés) in France, and wishes, through this Global Personal Data Protection Policy, to set forth its principles.

It will therefore describe the measures implemented by Percall Group to ensure adequate protection of the Personal Data of the individuals concerned.


Percall Group attaches great importance to the protection of privacy, and we are committed to preserving the confidentiality of the personal information we collect when :

– You visit or register on our websites
– You apply for a job via our websites
– You take part in our events
– You agree to receive our newsletters, promotional emails and other communications about our products, services, promotions or events that may be of interest to you
– We work together on a service offer proposed by the Percall Group and its subsidiaries or any other business relationship
– When you send us a comment, question or complaint.


We collect personal information as part of our business relationship. This is the only context in which we use this information.

This data may be collected in various ways:

– when you communicate it to us as part of the relationship you have with Percall Group (contractual relationship with Percall Group and professional contact data, etc.). Ex: surname, first name, address, position, telephone number, etc.)

– through the various digital technologies that Percall Group may use for the needs of its business, as part of its websites or other online services.

– when our customers entrust us with their Personal Data for the purposes of our services or our partners in the context of our relations with them.

In the event that we wish to use your Personal Information for a purpose other than that described in this policy, we will need to obtain your consent before doing so.


Percall Group undertakes to only collect personal information that is necessary for our business relationship, in particular to carry out our commercial activities, for example:

– To offer you the products and services you require
– To organise contact for recruitment purposes
– To organise and invite you to promotional events or activities
– To comply with legal or regulatory requirements
– To protect the rights and interests of Percall Group: internal audits, systems control, protectionagainst fraudulent actions, collection of information to ensure the defence of Percall Group’s rights in the event of litigation, etc.
– To send you communications about our products and services or to provide you with information of interest to you.
– To design, improve or market products and services
– For research, analysis and marketing purposes
– For any other reasons required by law and to carry out our activities properly


The protection of personal information is a major concern for Percall Group. In order to ensure the protection of this information, technical and organizational measures have been put in place to limit access to this data to those persons who need to know it for the purposes of processing.

We also ensure that we always comply with the regulations in force. We carry out audits of information storage environments.


In addition to situations provided for or required by law, Percall Group minimizes and limits access to this data to groups of Percall Group employees and to agents or suppliers specifically authorized by Percall Group and who require this information as part of their duties.

They must only process this information for the purposes mentioned above.


We are always open to questions or requests from data subjects concerning the conditions under which their Personal Data is Processed. The aim is to enable data subjects to verify and assert their rights with regard to their personal data:

Right to information: the right to know how data is collected and for what purpose
Right of access: the right to know what data companies are collecting on an individual
Right to object: the right to object to the collection of personal data (unless required by law)
Right of rectification: right to modify data sent to a company
The right to be forgotten: the right to have one’s data and that of sub-contractors deleted
Right to portability: the right to retrieve one’s data in a legible form.

The RGPD is the first reference text in the European Union on personal data, which aims to provide a single framework so that there are no differences in the protection of personal data (unifying and harmonising).

It also aims to redefine the ways in which companies process and manage this data.


For any question or request for information concerning this Policy, or for any request relating to the exercise of your rights as defined in Article 7 above, you may contact this department.

We encourage you to contact us in the first instance, but you may also, if you are a Data Subject, submit your complaint directly to the competent supervisory authority: for the Percall Group, the lead authority is the CNIL, located at 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, France.


We undertake to manage electronic addresses responsibly and to use them in accordance with the law and the consents you have given us. In addition, each of our communications will give you the opportunity to remove your name and e-mail address from our mailing list.

Furthermore, despite your unsubscription to our commercial messages, certain specific situations allow us to send you e-mails and other electronic communications, all in accordance with the exceptions provided for by law.


Personal Data processed by Percall Group is only kept for the time required for the purpose for which it is

It may, however, be kept for a longer period in accordance with our legal and regulatory obligations and compliance with legal requirements or to the extent necessary to protect our rights and interests.

On expiry of the applicable retention period, we will anonymise or delete this data


As our activities and the regulatory context are subject to regular change, this Policy may also be modified.
You are therefore invited to consult it regularly.

Last update: 04/05/2024